Dear all,
Sorry for the distinct lack of content here on Aquila Galactica, for- I suppose- too long. You can rest assured, however, that this is a situation soon to change.
If you've only been here a few times, or you've been lurking since the start, you'll probably be happy to know that Aquila Galactica will be getting a makeover- New cover, a new theme if I can get one, and more regular content. That sort of a makeover.
Anyway, it's in the pipeline, and shall be with the world before too long, so please keep checking back.
If you like AG, and haven't already, please give it a like on Facebook ( or a follow on Twitter( It'll be really helpful to have an audience at my fingertips, and you'll all get updates on the overhaul, as well as blog content once it's all up.
So, I shall suppose that's all for now. Good night, and good luck!
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